Hurting for sure!

by Jim

My gift to you In memory of my beautiful wife Joan, soul mates forever!

My beautiful wife and soul mate of 47 years died of pancreatic cancer FEB 11, 2013 at 4:00 pm as I held her hand and cried helpless to do anything else. She was 67 years old and always took care of herself. She ate right, exercised and we thought we were both in good health. Joan always had a positive attitude and a warm smile and a compliment for everyone. She was very unique. Anyone who met her liked her and she loved people.

We like most of you knew nothing about cancer other than being familiar with the term. I understand what its like to be told you have cancer and given a short time to live. I went into panic mode unwilling to accept the death sentence given my wife and began looking for a cure. I found several of them, which I would like to share with people. Unfortunately it took me too long to find them for my wife.

Did you know cancer is an epidemic in the United States? One in four people will have it at some point in their life.

I am looking to spread the word on my research regarding cancer. What I have learned working 18 hrs a day on my computer for the last 8 months is unbelievable. What I would like to share with you comes from my heart because I know how you will feel should this moment in time come for you and it will for many of you.

I am making this effort to help others. I want to educate them on Cancer and put them in control of their life should this happen to them. Hopeful you will be able to use this information to save your life or that of someone you know. At the very least you will know what is available to you and what is not being done that needs to be done. There is nothing that feels as bad as not knowing who to turn to or where to go in a time of total distress. Especially when you are not a doctor, a biochemist or oncologist.

My God Bless you!

Cancer does not stand a chance when people Unite and demand change!

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May 30, 2013
by: Julie

Hi Jim

I have just started the journey with my Dad who has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and have also been researching all the time I am not actually at the hospital.

If you have any findings so far that I can refer to at this stage of your research, I would be very grateful.


Mar 14, 2013
Beautiful Tribute
by: Anonymous

Dear Jim,

That is a beautiful tribute to your wife and to the abiding commitment of love you made to one another. I can feel the deep devotion you and Joan shared and my heart cries for your loss. Pancreatic cancer is truly a despicable enemy and worth every minute of the war we wage against it.

May you find a solace in the sweet memories and know that Joan would be proud of all you are doing to honor that memory.

Trusting in Grace to ease your pain and hold you close, Always, Jane

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