My Amazing Mom

by Nita Giles
(Bountiful, Utah)

My mom was diagnosed April 10, 2015 with pancreatic cancer, non operable. She was only 78 years old. After months of chemo and radiation she passed away on January 7th 2016.

Mom was an amazing, strong woman. She thought she could beat this deadly disease even up to 3 weeks before she died. Cancer had spread to her liver, abdominal wall, and lungs.

I am so sorry for anyone or family dealing with this horrific cancer. I wish mother would not have had any treatments and just did her bucket list. My sister and I were going to take her to Hawaii when she was diagnosed. The oncologist had mom believing she could beat this.

Mother's quality of life rapidly went down hill with her treatments. My heart felt sympathy goes out to all who are battling this or family members of those who are sick with this illness.

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Apr 02, 2016
The Surgeon perspective
by: Pancreatic Surgeon

Dear Nita,

I am sorry for your loss. May God give you and your family strength to go through this tough time. "End of Life" decisions are always very difficult and especially coming from the surgeon (who the patient has met mostly a couple of times). As you said, there is always hope, and we do see some (although a minority) patients who do respond to chemo and radiation, and we are successful in converting a confined non-operable (borderline resectable) to an operable case by shrinking the tumor. The training to become a rigorous as well, 4 yrs of med school, 5-6 yrs of general surgery training, 1-2 yrs of research and 1-2 yrs of liver pancreas speciality training is what is needed to even start treating such patients.

Your blog was inspiring, and I hope we can help cure patients from this deadly disease. Stay strong.


Feb 27, 2016
by: Jane

Dearest Nita,

Please feel our sympathy in your deepest grief... this cancer is truly ruthless and brutal. Hearts are breaking for a loss that is surely devastating for your family.

I wish I could have known your mom...she sounds much like my mom. They must, even now, be together watching over us with tenderness and love.

Praying for comfort and peace and memories sweet. Walk on in the legacy she left, it will become a journey of joy in time. She would want that for you...I am sure of it.

Sending Hugs and Love from Texas... In Grace, Always, Jane

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