Mom's whipple surgery July 2017

by Kelly
(Virginia )

Found this site invaluable through this process so far with my mother's pancreatic cancer diagnosis.

She is currently in ICU 1 day post op from her whipple procedure. They thought her cancer was confined to head of the pancreas prior to surgery with no node or vessel involvement . When they opened her up however the tumor was much larger than they thought on her EUS and involved the portal vein. They did the Whipple and took approximately 70% of her pancreas and did a portal vein resection. Traditional whipple otherwise removing portion of her stomach, bile duct, gallbladder and many lymph nodes.

1 lymph node was sent during surgery and looked at immediately and was positive . We will have to wait on pathology of the remaining 11 or so and to see if all margins were clear.

I will try to update on here as we progress for all of you going through this difficult journey seeking information. My mother did have a stent put in her bile duct about 6 weeks ago which is when the cancer was discovered due to diarrhea, back pain and jaundice. They thought it might be gallstones and did an ERCP and found the cancer.

Prayers to all of you and best wishes for you and your loved ones.

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Jul 14, 2017
Thank You Billea!
by: Jane

Dear Billea,

Thank you for the words of encouragement! Your whipple surgery story will give Hope to many! So grateful for your recovery and your continued good health... you are an inspiration!

Prayers of Thanksgiving going up tonight, that is Grace indeed!


Jul 13, 2017
Wishing you and your mom the best
by: Billea

My heart goes out to you and your mom. I've been on both sides of this. My mom was diagnosed with cancer. And I was diagnosed with cancer. Honestly, I think it's harder being in your shoes than it was being the patient myself. I felt so helpless. Hang in there and be sure to take care of yourself too. You can be your moms voice when she doesn't have the strength. I had my whipple surgery in December 2015. I spent three days in ICU and five days in a regular room. Although there was positive lymph nodes, I didn't have any other surprises. It took quite awhile to recoup. I have some pain where my surgery was but it is getting so much better and farther apart between flare ups. A year and a half out and pretty much back to my pre-surgery self. Just have to be careful what I eat and drink. I know when I was going through this the internet was more terrifying than helpful. But stay positive. A really good outcome is very possible. I'm living proof. Sending love and prayers to you and your mom tonight!!

Jul 12, 2017
Prayers and Hugs Coming Your Way!
by: Jane


Thank you so much for sharing your mom's story. Praying fervently that she is having a good recovery and is feeling relief from the pain... I know that the Whipple Surgery is a very difficult one, but also one of the best treatments for pancreatic cancer.

Please do let us know how she is doing if you are able. And tell her she is in our prayers, trusting God's tender Hand to hold her safe as she journeys on...

Sending hugs and love winging your way,

In Grace, Always,

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